Private burning of Natore sinraya chatrike rape case tola - the fringe is. Teachers at the school, demanding the removal of sanjiba Kumar said the shoes, I was lost, and the teacher's kusaputtalika combustion.
It was the fifth time that skulachatri nilaphamarite raped. He has been admitted to hospital at chatrike. The news sent our representatives -
Rally to demand the removal of the shoe rapist teacher student sinraya sanjibera: Natore sinraya serakola samajana the teacher in charge of the high school student rapist, Lothario sanjiba Kumar government to demand the removal and prosecution of Hon phumse siksarthisaha eventually become. The teachers are demanding the immediate removal of the vandalism boycotted classes, and demonstrations. On the other hand serakola Friday evening, hundreds of students - the people demanding prosecution of Hon Lothario teachers sanjibera shoes and kusaputtalika cremation procession of the protests.
Spoke at the gathering Kamrul Islam, Masud Rana, Green said, Abedin was night. Said eventually, the teacher sanjiba Kumar several times without having to engage in illegal activities in the exemption out.
The organization of journalists in situ ritu, depict, Happy, sabujasaha hundreds of Lothario in immediate punishment apasaranasaha Hon said.
Myanijim Committee and the local UP chairman Habib lutphula rubles acknowledge the incident, however, he is out of the country. The appropriate action to be taken back.
Saifur Rahman Khan said the executive officer, received any complaints about. But he got the verbal, the investigation will be taken against the guilty teacher said.
Nilaphamarite fifth class student rape: nilaphamarite fifth-class one student was raped. Tupamari union in Sadar upazila of the district stesanapara the rape happened. The Story of rapists.
Dharsitara The case was filed, on Thursday night at home alone with their child face down next to the pukurapare escaped rape. After eventually rescued the girl was admitted to the Sadar hospital. The police have arrested the girl's father. Rapists run away.
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